Lotus of the Heart > Path of Spirit > Transcending Religion in Grace


A Meeting No-Where

Communion beyond Appearances

Mar 20, 2015


Everyone is Welcome Here

Living in Love beyond Beliefs

*Reaching Out..., Jesper Sachmann, Flickr

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Love allows me to see the other not as merely an other
through the veil of what I have been told to see
parts the veil of prejudice, and I see, and I love
seeing becomes loving, loving becomes seeing

*Arem Nahariim-Samadhi

He is a Muslim, I am a Christian. We meet. Where? We meet in Grace, so really no-where - Grace is not in a where. Love is the Center everywhere. He is Muslim. I am Christian. We share. He listens about Jesus, I of Allah: the Meaning intimated is More. We are human. Yet, we are really not a Muslim or a Christian, thankfully. That is in the Center, the Center not in it. We are more, for the Center is More, which is to say Love is the More. I am not the hat I wore, anymore than I am the faith I wear. He is not either. In that More, in which arises this native Communion, we find our true Selves. I know myself Here. Without those who appear other than I appear, how shall I learn to Love in that we truly are, rather than what we appear to be to others and ourselves? We are not an appearance, so, we are not what we appear to be. This is an offense to the guardians of religious faith: listen to them, and we will never be in Love together, and there will never be peace on this earth among us, regardless of how they like to act like they are working for peace. They speak of "God," but really their image of a god. They are not working for peace, not as long as they believe in a world of us-against-them, rather than that Grace in which Christian and Muslim, and all else, is seen to be only a temporary garb of Eternity and Life. My life was enriched by this Muslim brother, I saw his was too. Possibly, we surprised each other: Love has a way of doing that, often in spite of ourselves and what we have been taught. Amen.

*Beauty is the Shadow of God... , Mary Ann, Flickr


Lotus of the Heart > Path of Spirit > Transcending Religion in Grace

©Brian Wilcox 2024